It is defined as the probability that a given system will perform it’s function adequately for it’s specified period of lifetime under specified operating conditions.
Common measures are :1. Failure rate.Failure Rate:
2. Mean time between failures(MTBF)
3. Survival percentage.

Rate which components of population fail.
Ns(t)- No. of components that survived during time ’t’
Nf(t) – No. of failures that occurred during the same time.

Mean time between Failures(MTBF):

The reciprocal of the failure rate(1/λ).
λ —-Failure rate.
Failure rate = (No.of failure )/(Time period during all components were exposed to failure)
Reliability Analysis:
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis(FMEA)

Purpose :
1. To recommend design changes.
2. To identify design weakness.
3. To help in choosing alternatives.

Four Stages:
Ist Stage – System boundaries and the scope of the analysis is decided.
IInd Stage – Data Collection
Ex: Specification,Operating Procedure,Working Conditions.
IIIrd Stage- Preparing the component or parts list.
IVth Stage – Failure frequency and the functions of the part identified,causes of failures,Failure detection.

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