Saturday 7 September 2013


.    Draw Flag register of 8086

2.    List some of the Assembler directives


3.    What are the interrupts that have highest priority in external and internal interrupts


4.    What are the methods of interfacing general I/O devices


5.    What is the basic operation of DMA


6.    What is the function of ISR


7.    What are different operating mode of 8259


8.    what are 80286 supported data types


9.    What is the main difference between segmentation and paging


10.  What is MMI?


11.  Write about NMI pin in 8086


12.  What are the four segment registers?


13.  Write an example for Relative Based Indexed addressing mode


14.  What are the directives used for defining MACROS


15.  Write about special functions registers


16.  Write some of the control registers


17.  Write the formula for calculating an angle ‘x’ while interfacing a stepper motor


18.  What is the function of 8251 USART?


19.  What are the types of bit manipulation instructions?


20.  Write about virtual mode flag in 80386


21.  List some of the flag manipulation instructions


22.  Give the format of PCON registers


23.  What is the difference of 8088 w.r.t 8086 processor in architecture? 


24.  What is MMX and why it is introduced

      25. What are methods of data communication?

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